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CPNR+KHU colloquium: Search for Dark Sector Particles/ Dark Matter at Fermilab Accelerator Facility (prof. Jaehoon Yu)

B102 (경희대학교 Space21)


경희대학교 Space21

Zoom 회의 ID: 580 037 4100
    • 1
      Search for Dark Sector Particles/ Dark Matter at Fermilab Accelerator Facility

      Abstract: The neutrino oscillation needs parameters to be
      measured precisely to provide essential information for a
      modification of the Standard Model.  Accomplishing this
      novel goal in future neutrino experiments, such as the Deep
      Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at Fermilab,
      requires high flux neutrino beams and powerful
      combination of near and far detectors.   The Long Baseline
      Neutrino Facility (LBNF) is under construction to provide
      high intensity proton beams fed by the new PIP-II high
      intensity LINAC and therefore high flux neutrino beams to
      the experiment and the near and far detector sites, while the
      DUNE collaboration is working on finalizing the design and
      prototyping its detectors.  This powerful facility being
      prepared for the oscillation measurements makes it possible
      to access physics Beyond the Standard Model, which was
      inconceivable at a neutrino experiment in the past.   In this
      talk, I will discuss DUNE experiment itself, its beams and
      detectors and discuss the prospects of searching for dark
      matter and dark sector particles, along with their sensitivity
      reaches.  In addition, the new conceptual experiment, called
      DAMSA that searches for DSP’s using the high intensity PIP-
      II LINAC and its expected sensitivity reach will be discussed.

      Speaker: Prof. Jaehoon Yu (Texas Alington)