K-Neutrino Symposium 2024



광주광역시 북구 용봉로 77 전남대학교 자연대 물리학과


국내 중성미자 분야 이론과 실험연구자들의 모임인 세 번째 K-Neutrino 심포지움을 개최합니다. 올해는 학생 및 학문 후속세대 연구자들이 많이 참석하여, 발표하고 서로 다양한 논의를 할 수 있는 중점적인 세션을 마련하였습니다. 중성미자 연구에 대한 소통, 지식 및 경험 공유, 특히 젊은 연구층의 확대를 목적으로 하기 때문에 기본적으로 이해하기 쉬운 프로그램이 되는 것을 목표로 합니다. 관심 있는 많은 연구자들과 학생들의 참여를 기대합니다. 감사합니다.


일시: 2024725() 13:00 - 26() 16:00

장소: 전남대학교 자연과학대학 1호관 1층 싸이언스홀

문의: kkjoo@chonnam.ac.kr, dhmoon@chonnam.ac.kr, byang@chonnam.ac.kr


LOC: Kyung Kwang Joo (전남대), Dong Ho Moon (전남대), Byeongsu Yang (전남대), Sang Yong Kim (전남대), Ji Young Choi (전남대)


주관기관: 중성미자 정밀 연구센터 (CPNR), 우주소립자 연구소 (IUEP), 전남대 물리학과 4단계 BK21사업팀 (입자-광자 초정밀측정 고급인력 양성사업팀), 중앙대 고에너지물리연구센터 (CAU HEP Center)


행정지원 및 기타 문의: 김은정 <k57581126@chonnam.ac.kr>, 062-530-4790

주소: 전남대학교 자연과학대학 4호관 물리학과 403호 중성미자 정밀 연구센터 행정실


  • Byeongsu Yang
  • Chan Beom Park
  • Chang Hyon Ha
  • changhyun yoo
  • Chihwan An
  • Daeun Jung
  • Dong Ho Moon
  • Eun-Joo Kim
  • Eungyu Yun
  • Eunhyang Kwon
  • Haemin Jeong
  • Hani Kimku
  • hojun Jeong
  • Hyeon Woo Park
  • Hyungi Lee
  • Intae Yu
  • Jae Sik Lee
  • Jaejin Choi
  • Jaison Lee
  • Jee-Seung Jang
  • Ji Young CHOI
  • Ji-Woong Seo
  • Jisu Park
  • Jooyoung Lee
  • Juneho Choi
  • Junghwan Goh
  • Junkyo Oh
  • Juseong Park
  • Keun-Young Kim
  • Kihyeon Cho
  • Kim Siyeon
  • Kyu Jung Bae
  • Kyung Kwang Joo
  • Kyungho Kim
  • Matti Jansson
  • Min-Gwa Park
  • Minje Park
  • Minyeong Seo
  • Myoung Youl Pac
  • Myung-Ki Cheoun
  • Piljun Gwak
  • Sang Chul KIM
  • Sang Yong KIM
  • Sanghoon Jeon
  • SeoBeom Hong
  • Seodong Shin
  • Sin Kyu Kang
  • Suhyeon Kim
  • Sunwoo Gwon
  • Taeyeong Kang
  • William Jo
  • Wonjun Lee
  • Wonsang Hwang
  • Yeong Gyun Kim
  • Yoomin Oh
  • Yu Seon Jeong
  • 은정 김
    • 12:00 PM
      등록 (Registration)
    • 1
      개회식 (Opening Ceremony)

      자연대학장, 물리학과장, 중앙대 고에너지물리연구센터장, 중성미자센터장

    • Session 1

      좌장: 배규정 (경북대학교)

      • 2
        Speaker: Prof. 김시연 (중앙대학교)
      • 3
        How Astronomers Observe the Supernova Explosions?
        Speaker: Dr 김상철 (한국천문연구원)
      • 4
        Overview on neutrino theory/phenomenology
        Speaker: Dr 정유선 (중앙대학교)
      • 5
        Infrared Spectroscopy for Impurity Detection in Scintillators and Quantum Computing Applications
        Speakers: Jubin Park (Soongsil University and OMEG institute), Dr 박주빈 (숭실대학교)
    • 3:00 PM
      Break, Photo, Poster
      • [포스터 심사위원: 심포지엄 참가자 모두]

      • 김수현 (Kim, Suhyeon, 중앙대): "Cold Electronics for DUNE LAr TPC"

      • 박주성 (Park, Juseong, 중앙대): "Particle detection analysis in a 1-ton water-based liquid scintillator at BNL"
      • 김구한이 (중앙대): "Status of IceCube Upgrade"
      • 박지수 (전남대): "Status of VETO detector at RENE"
      • 김상용 (전남대): "The measurement of liquid scintillator detector characteristics with 20 inch PMTs"
      • 최지영 (전남대): "Pattern recognition of the electronic structure of liquid scintillators and signal waveforms of photoelectrons"
      • 강태영 (KANG Taeyeong, 전남대): "Feasibility study on the acetone-based liquid scintillator loaded with lithium-6Li"
      • 윤은규 (전남대): "Pulse Shape Discrimination of n/γ in Liquid Scintillator at PMT Saturation Region with Artificial Neural Network"
      • 김은민 (전남대): "Studies on the characterization and development of halide perovskite quantum dot liquid scintillator for next-generation neutrino detection"
      • 오준교 (전남대): "The PMT performance result for RENE experiment "
      • 박현우 (전남대): "GdLS Stability for JSNS2-Ⅱ Experiment"
      • 박현우 (전남대): "Pre-Kicker Study in JSNS2 Experiment"
      • 정다빈 (전남대): "Gd-LAB production procedure and measurementof Gd concentration in Gd-loaded liquid scintillator"
      • 홍서범 (경북대): "PSD performance in the view point of the scintillator decay time"
      • 류지원 (경북대): "Development of the slow control and monitoring system"
      • 강준혁 (전남대): "Muon lifetime measurement with customized detector"
      • 유창현 (경희대): "Reconstruction with Deep Learning in KNO"
      • 박민과 (전북대): "Revisiting Reactor Anti-Neutrino 5 MeV Bump with 13C Neutral-Current Interaction"
      • 권순우 (중앙대): "R&D on Water-Based Liquid Scintillator for 1-ton and 30-ton Detectors"
      • 김경호 (KISTI): "Study of B -> l tau decay using semileptonic FEI at Belle"
      • 황원상 (경희대): "Monte Carlo Simulation of RENE Experiment"

      • [포스터 발표자 모든 분께는 상품권 드립니다]
      • [수상자분들께는 추가의 상품권 수여합니다]
    • Session 2

      좌장: 문동호 (전남대학교)

      • 6
        Speaker: 정해민 (서울대학교)
      • 7
        High flux isotope reactor background study with RENE prototype detector
        Speakers: Wonjun Lee (Seoul National University), 이원준 (서울대학교)
      • 8
        Ice property measurement using camera system in IceCube Upgrade
        Speakers: 박민제, 서민영 (성균관대학교)
      • 9
        Light Dark Matter Search with Dark Photon on Nuclear Reactor Experiment
        Speaker: 최재진 (서울대학교)
      • 10
        Search for proton decay in Super-Kamiokande
        Speaker: Dr 서지웅 (성균관대학교)
      • 11
        Study on correlated backgrounds in the sterile neutrino candidates of the JSNS2 experiment

        The JSNS2 (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at the J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) experiment aims to search for sterile neutrinos with ∆m2 near 1eV2. A 3 GeV J-PARC proton beam incident on a mercury target produces an intense neutrino beam from muon decay at rest. The JSNS2 detects anti-electron neutrinos from oscillations of anti-muon neutrinos via the inverse beta decay reaction. The JSNS2 detector has a fiducial volume of 17 tons filled with GdLS to detect anti-electron neutrinos efficiently and is located at 24 m baseline from the target. It is expected to provide the ultimate test of the LSND anomaly by replicating nearly identical conditions with a much better signal-to-background ratio. JSNS2 starts the physics run in 2021. Sterile neutrino candidates are selected by pairing the prompt and delayed signals of inverse beta decay. In this talk, a background study will be described with the conditions to Inverse Beta Decay signal for sterile neutrino search in upper energy region using the first physics run. It verifies the dominant background in the side-band and It makes possible to understand the background before opening the signal region.

        Speaker: 정다은 (성균관대학교)
      • 12
        SND@LHC 실험에서 ECC의 취급
        Speaker: Dr 김성현 (경상국립대학교)
    • 5:50 PM
      Poster 시상식, Dinner

      "가보세" (광주광역시 북구 운용로95번길 5-7, 062-514-0339)