CPNR Seminar: Dr. Jongkuk Kim

일시 : 12월 23일 (금)
발표자 : 김종국 박사님  

발표 제목: Dark matter physics with dark Higgs boson

발표 초록: In this talk, I consider scalar/fermion DM models with local dark U(1)_X gauge symmetry that is spontaneously broken into its Z_2 subgroup.  In this model, dark Higgs boson plays a crucial role in DM phenomenology, not only for generation of dark photon mass, but also opening new channels for DM pair annihilations into the final states involving dark Higgs boson.
I will discuss two examples, XENON1T and muon g-2 anomalies. Especially, in the case of U(1)_X =U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau} model, dark Higgs boson will dissect the strong correlation M_{Z′} ∼ 2M_{DM}, and much wider mass range is allowed for U(1)_X-charged complex scalar and Dirac fermion DM, still explaining the muon (g − 2).
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      Dark matter physics with dark Higgs boson
      Speaker: 종국 김